CASA of Lexington Offers Virtual Volunteer Training Beginning Aug. 25

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A new opportunity to become an advocate for abused and neglected children is coming up soon: Online volunteer training from CASA of Lexington will begin Aug. 25.

CASA of Lexington's online-only training option is helping people become fully trained CASA volunteers, even during the pandemic.

CASA volunteers spend about 10 hours a month on their assigned family court cases. They develop relationships with the children on their cases, interview adults involved in those children's lives, and write reports and recommendations for the judge. CASA volunteers are independent and advocate solely for the best interests of the children.

Through our online, guided learning curriculum, new volunteers receive 30 hours of training from our experienced Volunteer Managers, just as they would through in-person training. About 70% of the work is completed on your own time; and the other 30% is completed in virtual group sessions held over Zoom. Volunteers also complete their required court observation hours over Zoom.

There are currently two time slots available for the group sessions: 8-10 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. The group sessions will be held on Aug. 25 and 28; Sept. 4, 11, 18 and 25; and Oct. 2.

A judge will swear in the new volunteers on Oct. 8 and then they can be assigned to their first case.

CASA cases end months faster on average, meaning children are returned to safe, permanent homes sooner. And children who had a CASA on their case are far less likely to have another disruption in their placement. Being a CASA volunteer can be hard work, but it can also be incredibly rewarding.

CASA of Lexington also has an in-person training scheduled to begin on Sept. 8 at our office, 3245 Loch Ness Dr., Lexington. For more information about becoming a CASA volunteer, email or call (859) 484-6551. To apply online, visit

CASA of Lexington