Eighteen new CASA volunteers were sworn in Thursday, swelling the ranks of regular people in central Kentucky who are making a difference for abused and neglected children.
Family Court Judge Joe Fooks swore in the new CASA volunteers, telling them grateful he and other family court judges in the area are to have their help.
“The CASA volunteers really add a depth to the information I receive about these kids,” Fooks said. “It’s much-appreciated depth. Your work is valued and all the judges rely on CASA reports to a great extent.”
The volunteers completed a 30-hour training class before being sworn in. They will now be matched with abused and neglected children who have open family court cases, and they will begin visiting the children monthly.
CASA volunteers spend more time directly with children than others in the courtroom can. They often identify problems that others have missed and propose solutions that help children do better while they’re in the state’s care and return to safe, permanent homes as quickly as possible.
“Child abuse and neglect is a big problem in Kentucky, but every person can do their part to help fix it,” said Melynda Jamison, Executive Director of CASA of Lexington. “By serving as CASA volunteers, each of these 18 people will be directly improving the future for children who otherwise may have languished in the system.”
The new CASA volunteers join more than 200 others currently serving children in seven counties – Bourbon, Fayette, Garrard, Jessamine, Lincoln, Scott and Woodford – through CASA of Lexington. In 2024, CASA of Lexington volunteers helped more than 670 central Kentucky children.
“Last year, the gap between the number of available CASA volunteers and the number of kids who need a CASA volunteer grew,” Jamison said. “These 18 new volunteers are helping fill that gap. We would love to see even more people step up say, ‘I’m going to be the reason a child has a bright future,’ so that we could serve all of the children who need a CASA!”
The next in-person training class for new CASA volunteers begins April 3, with classes on evenings and weekends in April and May. You can learn more about what CASA volunteers do and apply to become a CASA volunteer online at www.casaoflexington.org.