Successes worth celebrating!

Our CASA volunteers are advocating every day for the best interests of the children they serve. These are some recent successes children have had after receiving a CASA volunteer. Names and photos are changed to protect the children’s privacy.

Would you like to help create more of these stories? You can apply to be a CASA volunteer or make a donation of any amount (It costs about $1,000 a year to provide a child with a CASA volunteer).

Mason passed the sixth grade!

Elijah graduated from speech therapy!

Amanda returned to her parents after they successfully alleviated concerns of substance misuse!

Madison is taking karate lessons and went on her first summer vacation!

Mia is volunteering in her community!

Patricia won two academic awards at her school!

David and Mark

David's CASA volunteer Mark advocated for him and his siblings when they were in foster care. Mark was a consistent, positive adult in the children's lives. David and his siblings found a safe, permanent home and their case was closed, but Mark remained a good family friend. When David needed to prepare for his driver's test, he called Mark, who helped him study and practice. "Thanks to CASA, they all connected," said Mark's spouse. "I think it made a difference in all their lives."

Zoe went to Florida with her foster family!

Dylan’s job inspired him to train for a career in restaurant management!

Landon has learned to swim!

Kaylee was adopted!

After more than 21 placements, Carter has finally found his forever home!

11-year-old Aubry was reading at a third-grade level, but now she can read middle-school chapter books!

Shayla and Kim

Shayla and her brother were failing out of school and not receiving appropriate educational support at home when Kim was appointed as a CASA volunteer. Kim worked closely with the school to ensure Shayla and her brother received educational assistance, and advocated for placement with relatives who could better provide for the siblings’ educational needs. "It's been a complete turnaround for these kids," said the Volunteer Manager on the case. "Both children are thriving in a loving, supportive home."

Ethan graduated from occupational and speech therapy!

Landon is nearing reunification with his younger sibling!

William was accepted into a technical school!

Emma feels safe enough to talk at school and with her foster dad, after years of remaining selectively mute!

Ella got into a dual-credit program in her high school!

Dwayne has maintained a part-time job while improving his grades in school!

William and Ben

William came into care at 7 years old after witnessing domestic violence in his home. William's CASA volunteer Ben gathered medical records and let the court know William might have an incurable disorder with an unpredictable progression. William's foster family now has a plan in place to provide for his medical and educational needs right now. His mother is also now informed so she can care for his specific needs if reunification is successful.

Gavin was able to control his emotions and behavior enough to go to his first sit-down restaurant!

Connor felt safe enough in his relative placement to make plans and joined Junior ROTC in his school!

Jennifer got a library card for the first time and checked out books!

Zoe enrolled in preschool, where she learned her colors and “all the letters!”

Sarah overcame previous physical limitations and has now attended her first school dance and climbed a tree!