I love CASA — and you can quote me!

We post quotes from volunteers, board members, Friends of CASA, donors and other supporters on our social media channels and website to help raise awareness about the CASA mission. You can help by giving us a quote and a photo to use! (We will email to ask for your photo after you submit your quote; it’s also OK if you don’t want to use a photo.) Thanks for helping us tell everyone about CASA!

If you’re looking for inspiration…

Here are some examples of quotes others have provided:

“You don’t have to be the perfect volunteer - I’m not! But these kids need somebody. If you’re thinking about becoming a CASA volunteer, do it!”

“I enjoy building relationships with my kiddos and being a consistent part of their life during the case. My goal is to see the children in a safe, stable home.”

“I’m just a grandmother and there’s a place for me to be a CASA volunteer. I think what it takes is just an open heart and a willingness to try.”

“There are a whole lot of kids out there who are one adult away from a positive future. CASA volunteers are often that one adult.”