Other Continuing Education Opportunities

Choose from the following ongoing CEU online opportunities: Webinars, podcasts, articles and videos.

No more than 4 hours of your required 12 hours of annual continuing education may come from reading books or articles. There is no limit to how many hours may come from virtual/recorded webinars and trainings.

Electronic Crimes Against Children: How to Educate, Monitor and Communicate Internet Safety

Offered by Prevent Child Abuse KY

Prevent Child Abuse KY’s online training will provide insight into how perpetrators groom children and what parents/caregivers can do to keep kids safe. This training features PCAK Board Vice President Maj. Jeremy Murrell of the Kentucky State Police.

Please complete the quizzes after each of the three parts in order to receive a certificate of completion, which you can email to your Volunteer Manager when you are done. Completing this training is worth 1 hour of CEU credit.

You can watch the training videos by clicking here.

Webinars, Podcasts, Articles and Videos


Updates on Psychotropic Medications in Children for DCBS (1 hour)

This training explains drug categories for psychotropic drugs. The training explores the reasons for prescribing and 'Deprescribing' psychotropic medications in foster care. It discusses scenarios when foster parents should advocate for their youth in their home on being prescribed too many medications and when to advocate for reduction. The training describes informed consent and how this pertains to psychotropic medication.


National CASA Podcast: Youth Aging Out of Foster Care (20 minutes)

Isabel Morales, senior project associate with Casey Family Services, talks about permanent solutions for youth aging out of the foster care system.


New York Times: Can an algorithm tell when kids are in danger?

"Child protective agencies are haunted when they fail to save kids. Pittsburgh officials believe a new data analysis program is helping them make better judgment calls." 


Kentucky Educational Television: You Are Not Alone Series - A Look Inside Youth Mental Health

6-part KET series that features people on the front lines of mental health and emphasizes the importance of healthy, supportive relationships in helping youth overcome mental health challenges.


National CASA Podcast: Stories from Youth (15 minutes)

At our 2010 National CASA Conference, we invited volunteers, staff, supporters and others to share their CASA/GAL stories in a story booth.  In this week's podcast, we present the first edited interview: a conversation between a youth who recently emancipated from the foster care system and a youth currently in state care.


Women’s Refuge Commission: Resources for Families Facing Deportation and Separation

This toolkit provides detained and deported immigrant and undocumented mothers and fathers with crucial information they need to protect and maintain parental rights and make well-informed, critical decisions regarding the care and welfare of their children.


aha! Process Webinars

Understanding of the dynamics that cause and maintain poverty from the individual to systems level.

NOTE: Not all of these webinars would be applicable to CASA requirements for CEUs.


National CASA Podcast: Former Youth Experience: Amanda (15 minutes)

Former foster youth Amanda Metivier and Alaska State Director Marion Hallum discuss Facing Foster Care in Alaska, a foster youth advocacy program.


Texas CASA College

A variety of online resources that are perfect for CASA advocates to learn more about multiple topics. 


Dr. Linda Chamberlain: A Trauma-informed Approach to ACEs - Building Resilient Communities (50 minutes)


National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Mental Health Webinars

This series will offer strategies, tools, and resources to help facilitate ACRTI organizational change. Presenters will offer guidance on developing and implementing processes for engaging leadership, reflecting on current practice, supporting staff, planning for and managing organizational change, enhancing services, and evaluating our work.


National CASA Podcast: Helping Youth Succeed: A Former Foster Youth’s Story (20 minutes)

This is part one of a two-part series. In this half you will hear Michael describe his experiences with the foster care system and Rhode Island CASA and share how he was able to overcome the odds. In part two you will hear from the two men who helped Michael get where he is today.


The New Yorker: When Should A Child Be Taken From His Parents?

"In family court, judges must decide whether the risks at home outweigh the risks of separating a family." This article from the New Yorker delves into the nuances of child protective services.


PBS Frontline: Growing Up Trans

Just a generation ago, it was adults, not kids, who changed genders. But today, many children are transitioning, too — with new medical options, and at younger and younger ages. In Growing Up Trans, FRONTLINE takes viewers on an intimate and eye-opening journey inside the struggles and choices facing transgender kids and their families.


National CASA Podcast: Foster Youth Experience: Jessica (30 minutes)

Jessica Hildebrand shares her experience of being in foster care and emancipating out of the system.


New York Times: Treatment Offers Hope for Imprisoned California Siblings

“The California case in which 13 siblings were found imprisoned at home earlier this week is shocking, but not without precedent. The good news, trauma experts say, is that recovery is indeed possible.”