Two more sworn in as CASA volunteers in Garrard and Lincoln counties

Family Court Judge Jeff Moss swears in the newest CASA volunteers serving Lincoln and Garrard counties, Megan Huston and Tahitiana Chaffin.

Lincoln and Garrard counties added two more CASA volunteers this month, as the local CASA program continues to grow at a remarkable rate.

Tahitiana Chaffin and Megan Huston were sworn in by Family Court Judge Jeff Moss last week, after they completed their training. The two can now be matched with children in the local family court system who need someone to speak up for their best interests.

Moss said CASA volunteers can help transform the outcomes of cases for kids, in large part because they provide regular perspectives and information about kids' daily lives that can often be missing from court hearings.

"CASA gives me what I feel like is a common-sense perspective," he said. "My case workers all have more cases than their recommended case loads. And CASA volunteers typically get one case."

Last year in Lincoln and Garrard counties, there were 240 children who suffered abuse or neglect. Those children get thrown into the family court system, where attorneys, parents, social workers and judges work to decide what should happen with them.

Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers visit with the children in these cases and get to know them usually better than anyone else in the courtroom. They speak up for what the children need and prevent them from falling through the cracks.

"We are so happy to be adding two more CASA volunteers for Lincoln and Garrard kids," said Melynda Jamison, Executive Director of the CASA program. "We served 34 kids with 21 advocates last year, and we are only going to grow from there."

CASA volunteers spend about 5-10 hours per month visiting their children, learning about their lives and writing court reports. Children who receive a CASA volunteer receive more services, do better in school and are more likely to return to safe, permanent homes.

If you would like to become a CASA volunteer, you can call the Lincoln and Garrard CASA office at (606) 442-1355 or learn more by visiting

CASA of Lexington