Peggy Entrekin earns CASA Volunteer of the Month award in Woodford County
CASA Volunteer Peggy Entrekin
Woodford County CASA Volunteer Peggy Entrekin is a Volunteer of the Month for the region. Woodford volunteers have now claimed the Volunteer of the Month honor in CASA of Lexington’s seven-county service area twice in 2024.
Entrekin is celebrating her five-year “CASA-versary” this month and has advocated for five abused or neglected children during that time. The former teacher and nonprofit executive director became a CASA volunteer after she read an article in her local newspaper.
“It’s been very rewarding. I’ve really enjoyed all the families and children that I’ve worked with,” she said. “I’ve enjoyed seeing the children wind up in better situations.”
Woodford County’s CASA Volunteer Manager Heather Porter nominated Entrekin for the award.
“Peggy has advocated for her CASA children’s best interests at school, in their foster homes and within the court system,” Porter said. “Her greatest impact has been as a consistent presence for the kids. They know she is willing to listen to their concerns and their hopes, and they continually reach out to her when they need to talk.
“Peggy’s consistency and listening ear have provided stability for children in an often uncertain situation.”
CASA volunteers give 5-10 hours a month to advocate for an abused or neglected child in the local family court system. Each volunteer visits their child monthly, talks to adults in the child’s life, reviews records and writes reports.
CASA reports regularly provide information no one else in court has and identify where a child’s needs have been forgotten or overlooked. Children who receive a CASA volunteer can do better in school, receive more services and return to safe, permanent homes faster.
“I see the need to fill the gap,” Entrekin said. “We have the courts and the (attorneys) and the social workers and the foster families, but there is still a big gap for the kids. There is a need and anyone who becomes a CASA volunteer will find it very rewarding.”
Anyone interested in becoming a CASA volunteer can learn more by visiting, calling (859) 246-4313 or emailing You can see upcoming training classes for new volunteers at