Three new CASA volunteers sworn in by Jessamine Family Court judge

Family Court Judge Jeff Moss swore in three new CASA volunteers in Nicholasville in August, enabling them to begin advocating for abused and neglected children.

The new volunteers — Devin Hendricks, Trey Rogers and Macy Young — will now be matched with children in their local family courts and begin visiting the children every month. CASA volunteers give 5-10 hours a month and provide reports to judges like Moss, giving them details about children's lives and recommendations on how to make things better.

"I get a cabinet report and that's good, but the CASA report gives me more and it gives me different insights," Moss told the new volunteers as he swore them in at his office downtown. "The level of detail and information you will be able to include because you have this relationship with the child is truly valuable."

Moss said he appreciates the new volunteers giving their time — and the volunteers' families for supporting them in their efforts to improve the future for children in need.

"If we don't have people like you all, the system just doesn't go," he said. "We have to have volunteers. We have to have people willing to give of their time to do this."

Children who receive a CASA volunteer do better in school, get more services that help them thrive, have more stability while their cases are open and are far less likely to re-enter the system after their cases close.

The new volunteers plan to serve children in Jessamine and Fayette counties. CASA of Lexington trains and supports CASA volunteers with local staff in seven counties: Bourbon, Fayette, Garrard, Jessamine, Lincoln, Scott and Woodford.

CASA of Lexington Executive Director Melynda Jamison said volunteers are needed in all seven counties as the number of children with open abuse and neglect cases continues to outpace the number of available CASA volunteers.

"If someone wants to make a lasting, positive change to a child's future, serving as a CASA volunteer is one of the easiest ways to do that," she said.

The next 30-hour training class for new CASA volunteers begins Sept. 7 at the CASA of Lexington office off Nicholasville Road across from Lexington Green. Classes are held on nights and weekends; a full schedule is available at You can also learn more by calling (859) 246-4313 or emailing

CASA of Lexington