New mom helps other kids, too — by serving as a CASA volunteer
CASA volunteer Jessica Schroeder
As a teacher, Jessica Schroeder saw many children who had significant home life issues — they were being abused or neglected and struggling at school as a result. But the school system couldn’t address what was going on in those kids’ lives well enough to make a difference.
That’s when she decided to become a CASA volunteer.
“Besides being a CASA, I am most proud of recently becoming a mother,” Schroeder said. “It is the purest love and joy I’ve ever known.”
Schroeder has advocated for seven children as a CASA volunteer since she began in 2022. This month, she was named a CASA volunteer of the month.
Schroeder’s Volunteer Manager Rebecca Brereton-Farr said Schroeder was assigned to her first case because it was “stuck” and the judge wanted to see if additional insight from a CASA volunteer would help. Schroeder began visiting with the kids and learning about their situation.
“As a result, the children returned home,” Brereton-Farr said.
CASA volunteers spend 5-10 hours a month volunteering, most of which is visiting an assigned child, talking to adults in the child’s life, reviewing records about the child and writing down what they have learned for the judge — all done at times when it works for the volunteer.
Every volunteer completes a 30-hour training and receives a Volunteer Manager for support, who goes with them on their first home visit, attends court with them and is always available to provide guidance.
Schroeder said she enjoys forming bonds with the children she is matched with and seeing how excited they get when she comes for a visit.
“Every month that goes by, these kids light up more and more when you rejoice in their accomplishments or praise their hard work in school and sports,” she said. “They look forward to sharing their successes with you, despite the circumstances they find themselves in.
“The most rewarding aspect of being a CASA is the personal fulfillment you receive when you know you are advocating for the right thing, even when it’s difficult. It has become a powerful healing process for my own childhood experiences.”
CASA Volunteer Training
If you would like to become a CASA volunteer and be matched with an abused or neglected child who needs a voice, you can apply online at Trainings for new volunteers are held regularly throughout the year. CASA volunteers must be 21 years old, pass background checks and complete a 30-hour training class before being matched with a child. Every CASA volunteer commits to serving an average of 5-10 hours a month (most work scheduled on your own time) for a minimum of two years. If you have questions about becoming a CASA volunteer, email