Board Member Spotlight: Diane Minnifield
Diane Minnifield
Diane Minnifield is one of three ex-officio members of the CASA of Lexington board.
CASA: How did you first learn about CASA of Lexington?
Diane: I first became aware of CASA many years ago. I have been a prosecutor in the juvenile division of the Fayette County Attorney’s office over 25 years. I worked mainly with juvenile delinquent cases but was aware of the Dependency, Neglect and Abuse dockets before we had Family Court established in Fayette County. I remember a friend asked me what could she do to help kids. I suggested CASA, she got trained and it was like a fire rekindled in her. I think she would say CASA did as much for her as she tried to do for the kids.
CASA: Have you served in any other roles besides board member?
Diane: I have not served in any other official capacity for CASA, but as a prosecutor in DNA court I have the pleasure of recommending cases that would benefit from a CASA volunteer. The CASA volunteers affords us (the courts) extra eyes and ears to some of our most vulnerable kids.
CASA: Why do you serve as a CASA of Lexington board member?
Diane: I currently serve on the Board as an Ex Officio member because of the job I have in the County Attorney’s Office. While I don’t have voting privileges, I take my board membership very seriously and I believe the comments I have on matters that come before the board are valued, as I bring the in-the-trenches perspective.
CASA: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Diane: I enjoy relaxing with a good book or watching the Hallmark channel. My friends ask me “why do you watch the Hallmark channel?” and I say, “I live the ugly and bad in the world every day in my job. I like when love and happiness always wins”. Also my family is a big sports family. Both my husband and son played in the NFL and I still enjoy watching the game, but now it’s with a more comfortable/leisurely attitude.
CASA: What would you like to say to CASA of Lexington's volunteers?
Diane: What I say to them every day in court: Thank you! The insight you shed in your reports connected a lot of dots for me. I can’t say it enough. When you work in this field, it’s a passion and your passion shines through. Thank you!!!