CASA of Lexington Receives National Grant to Increase Support to Vulnerable Youth

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CASA of Lexington has been awarded a $60,000 Core Model Grant from the National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association for Children. Funds will be used to recruit, train and assign new volunteers to represent the best interests of children who have experienced abuse or neglect.

Work done under the mentoring grant will target key populations such as rural and opioid-impacted youth.

There are nearly 950 CASA programs nationwide, including 49 state offices, supporting volunteers who work on behalf of children in the child welfare system. Their advocacy enables judges to make the most well-informed decisions for each child.

The federal grant funds distributed through National CASA are provided by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, US Department of Justice, as authorized under the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990. In 2019, National CASA was awarded nearly $7 million in federal grants.

CASA of Lexington