CASA of Lexington Celebrated for Community Impact During Week-Long 'Salute to Small Business'
CASA of Lexington Executive Director Melynda Jamison, left, and Forcht Bank Lexington Market President Houston Hall stand with the Salute to Small Business Nonprofit Community Impact Award CASA of Lexington won as part of the 2020 Salute to Small Business Awards.
CASA of Lexington received the Salute to Small Business Nonprofit Community Impact Award, hosted a Facebook Live event with Commerce Lexington, participated in multiple webinars on business success and more during Commerce Lexington’s week-long Salute to Small Business celebration.
Jamison leads a tour of the CASA of Lexington office during a Facebook Live on Sept. 21.
The week kicked off with a Facebook Live video at CASA of Lexington, during which Executive Director Melynda Jamison explained CASA of Lexington’s mission and took Commerce Lexington representatives and Forcht Bank Lexington Market President Houston Hall on a tour of the building.
Jamison also participated in webinars throughout the week focused on how the Salute to Small Business award-winners had succeeded in their fields, including how they have adapted during the pandemic.
The week wrapped up with a virtual watch party, the pandemic version of an awards ceremony, at which Churchill McGee was chosen as the Small Business of the Year. During the watch party, CASA of Lexington was featured as one of the four Salute to Small Business category winners.
“We were so excited to be selected and I think it shows the countless hours that our volunteers, staff, board members and supporters put in,” Jamison said during the watch party. “Hopefully this is more awareness and people will understand what CASA is and what the need is.”
CASA of Lexington recruits, trains and supports around 200 community volunteers who advocate for the best interests of children in the local family court systems who have been abused or neglected. Volunteers help identify services children and families need so the children can recover from trauma and return to safe, permanent homes faster.
“We depend whole-heartedly on individual donations in order to be able to serve those children,” Jamison said.
You can read more about the Salute to Small Business Awards here. Check out video from all the events and webinars CASA of Lexington participated in below:
Studio46 Video
Facebook Live
Success Stories Webinar
4 O’Clock Focus on Marketing Strategies
Watch Party