Meet a CASA Board Member: Jason Walton

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Jason Walton’s connection to CASA programs goes back a long way. One of CASA of Lexington’s newest board members is also the son of Todd Walton, a judge who implemented a CASA program for the 19th Judicial District decades ago.

Jason, who is now CEO of Momentum Construction, said he learned about what CASA volunteers do back when his dad was overseeing the creation of the northern Kentucky program in 1998.

“I soon began volunteering time, building a playhouse to be auctioned for fundraising,” he said. “Over the years, I attended CASA galas and heard many testimonies of CASA’s importance to children’s legal navigation and representation. Later, I become a CASA board member in Judicial District 19.”

Jason is married to Amy and the couple have four kids, Addison, Talan, Anderson and Heartly. His term on the CASA of Lexington Board of Directors began on July 1.

CASA of Lexington