July 2020 Volunteers of the Month: John Looff and Jennifer Rock

John Looff

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As an obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr. John Looff helped many children start their lives well. Now in retirement, Dr. Looff is continuing to help in a different way.

As a trained court-appointed special advocate (CASA) volunteer, he speaks for the best interests of abused and neglected children in the Fayette County family court system.

Looff has been a CASA volunteer for two years, and the work he’s done has made an impact — so much so that CASA of Lexington has named him one of its volunteers of the month for July 2020.

“John has gone above and beyond to ensure the needs of his CASA kids are met,” said Looff’s Volunteer Manager, Kyrsten. “The judge often comments how John’s reports give her the entire story, which she is grateful for. John has also formed a strong bond with his CASA kids. He is their first call when they have a question or need advice and he is always there when they need him."

Looff said he wanted a way to give back to his community in retirement and saw becoming a CASA advocate as a great opportunity. He said he’s loved the personal interactions with children and getting to be a part of their lives.

“I’ve found that just the smallest of gestures are so appreciated by the kids. I underestimated that,” he said. “I didn’t think I had done anything out of the ordinary. I had just been there for the kids. I think it says more about what the needs of the kids are and where they’ve been and what they lack.

“It’s just those real simple things that we take for granted that mean so much for them.”

Kyrsten said Looff has helped children by finding tutoring services, by connecting kids with clothing and food resources available in the community and by working with others to ensure his assigned kids remain protected and safe.

“John has made a huge difference in these children’s lives, but he’s so humble, he won’t take any credit,” she said. "John’s advocacy has allowed these children to thrive.”

Jennifer Rock

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Jennifer Rock worked with children for the social services organization Bluegrass Impact before becoming a stay-at-home mom.

But she really missed working with kids who have needs and helping meet those needs.

“I just kind of wanted to get back in the game,” she said. “I really enjoy working with CASA kids and families — just being a support for them.”

Rock is one of CASA of Lexington’s Volunteers of the Month because of the work she’s done advocating for her assigned children.

Rock’s Volunteer Manager Mary Beth said there’s one word that comes to mind before any others when describing Rock — “tenacious.”

“She leaves no stone un-turned to help her kids,” she said. “She’s continued to see her current child in-person during the shutdown — they go on socially distant walks that allow them to talk privately. I think this proved important because Jennifer was able to continue to develop that bond when the child was isolated from other support systems.”

Rock said she works with others on her case, such as workers with the Department for Community-Based Services, to make sure everyone knows what’s going on. And her frequent contact with family members has proven useful.

“I feel like I probably know more about the case than anybody else does because of my contacts with the family,” she said. “It’s great being able to make any kind of a difference for a kid and their family if I can — even if it’s small.”

Rock said she’s learned firsthand that being a CASA volunteer really can make a difference in children’s lives. “I wish more people would do it."

CASA of Lexington