Meet a New CASA Board Member: Maynard Crossland

Maynard Crossland

Maynard Crossland

Maynard Crossland is one of five people who have joined the CASA of Lexington Board of Directors this year. He is the President and CEO of Shaker Village, and he has also served as a CASA volunteer himself.

"It wasn't until I served as a CASA volunteer that I truly understood the depth of the problem facing kids today who are innocent victims of abuse and neglect," Crossland said. "My time as a CASA volunteer was one of the most rewarding times of my life, as it gave me a front-row seat as I watched a young boy who had endured circumstances that were beyond my comprehension or understanding find hope and embrace what was now possible for him."

Crossland lost both of his parents at a young age, and while he was not a victim of abuse or neglect, he said his experience gave him some sense of what children go through when they lose the stability of their permanent home.

"I knew the fear that invades the dreams of a child when growing up without the foundation of unconditional love," he said. "My success in life was built on the love and support given to me by many people who willingly stepped up to help me survive."

Crossland made it a mission of his to help children in similar situations.

"When I started college, I knew that I had to give back all that had been given to me," he said. "Through the years, I have mentored many children and teens who struggled with the same issues that I had to face throughout my childhood."

Crossland said the boy he served as a CASA volunteer taught him a lot about life.

"I am a strong advocate for the mission of CASA and I look forward to doing my small part in supporting all of you who continue to give innocent children hope for a bright future."

CASA of Lexington