CASA of Lexington names May Volunteers of the Month

LEXINGTON, Kentucky (April 20, 2020) — CASA of Lexington’s Volunteers of the Month for May 2020 are William Saunders and Gail Tingle.

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William Saunders

William Saunders is the kind of person who can connect with any kid, anywhere.

“He tailors his approach to each child, depending on age and need,” said Mary Beth, William’s volunteer manager at CASA of Lexington. “I’ve seen him play trucks on the floor with a developmentally delayed child, and I’ve seen him turn the tables on a shy, quiet teenager, allowing her to ask questions of him.”

That ability to meet kids where they’re at and help them is why CASA of Lexington chose William as one of its Volunteers of the Month for May 2020.

As a court-appointed special advocate volunteer, William is assigned to the cases of abused and neglected children in the Fayette County family court system. He spends time each month with his assigned child or children; interviews family members, foster parents and other adults involved with the children; then files a report for a judge to read before each court appearance.

“My love of volunteering with CASA is because it reaches out to all families in need, regardless of race, financial situation or the parents’ political affiliation,” William said. “It takes a village to raise a child. I’m just one of those people that’s going to help take care of that child."

William has been an advocate with CASA of Lexington since May 2019. He is one of fewer than two dozen male CASA volunteers for CASA of Lexington.

The low number of male volunteers is something the organization is actively working to change.

“It is wonderful to provide a child with a CASA volunteer they automatically have things in common with,” explained Melynda Jamison, CASA’s executive director. "Around half of our children are boys. Many have never had a positive male influence in their lives. Unfortunately, only 7% of our volunteers are male.”

William has also advocated on behalf of CASA in Frankfort and he has many connections to underserved populations in Fayette County, Mary Beth said. Most importantly, he is there for the kids he is assigned.

“He takes note of what is important to each child and then makes the effort to show up,” she said. “He attends their dance competitions and joins them for lunch at school.”

William said working with his CASA kids is very rewarding and fulfilling. He feels it’s his duty to give back to his community, and this is a way he accomplishes that.

“I know sometimes we have such a vast amount of kids out there that can fall through the cracks,” he said. “Let me speak personally to the African-American community. There’s some big gaps and things that go on in our community, such as financial gaps, educational gaps …”

Helping kids through CASA is one way he helps address those gaps. And he loves bumping into kids he used to have on a case later on, who still remember him.

“That’s fulfilling to me,” he said. “So I guess I’ll be a CASA volunteer until they tell me I can’t do it anymore."

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Gail Tingle

Gail Tingle has been also been named one of CASA of Lexington's Volunteers of the Month for May.

Tingle has been a CASA volunteer for more than three years, during which time she’s been assigned to six different cases in Fayette County.

Her current case is expected to close soon and she has agreed to accept a seventh this month.

Her volunteer manager, Dennis Stutsman, said Gail, a former court mediator for divorce, shows dedication and patience while working on behalf of abused and neglected kids.

“Her current case involves two young children who faced removal because of insufficient parental supervision, which resulted in physical abuse” by another adult, according to Stutsman. “Gail has been very patient working on her case, and she works thoughtfully with collateral sources, including relatives and foster parents. She has been very active in seeking referrals and supportive services to meet the family’s needs, and she works great with bio parents, too.”

Gail said she discovered CASA when she was looking for a way to volunteer that would help children in her community. Her two most recent cases resolved or are resolving with the children being reunited with a biological parent.

“That’s a great feeling to have these children going back to be with their mother,” Gail said. “One case where the child did have to be removed — I was glad because the child was not in a good situation at all."

Gail said it makes her feel good to know that the reports she submits to the judge have helped her cases reach successful resolutions.

“All my experiences have been learning experiences,” she said of her time as a CASA. “Each case just presents a while new venue for me to learn about.”

About CASA of Lexington

CASA of Lexington’s trained and supervised volunteers advocate through the family court system to ensure all victims of child abuse and neglect are safe and thrive in a permanent home. Changes such as where the child lives or goes to school, changes in social workers, teachers and friends, as well as the uncertainty of what life holds, can be very overwhelming for these children.  The CASA volunteer is there to help recognize what the child needs, work to minimize these detrimental changes, and advocate for positive changes for the child’s future. Learn more or let us know you’re interested in volunteering at or by calling (859) 246-4313.

CASA of Lexington