Online summer CASA training begins July 6

CASA of Lexington’s next volunteer training begins July 6 and lasts through Aug. 13. The trainings are being held in a guided learning format through online meetings in order to comply with current safety guidelines regarding in-person gatherings.

CASA volunteers are assigned to help abused and neglected children whose cases are moving through the family court systems in Fayette, Bourbon, Woodford and Scott counties. Unlike anyone else involved in their case, a CASA advocate’s only objective is looking out for the best interests of the children.

On average, children with an appointed CASA advocate see their cases resolved sooner, find safe and permanent homes faster, and are less likely to re-enter the family court system later on.

CASA of Lexington served more than 600 children in 2019. Unfortunately, that represents less than half of all the new cases of abuse and neglect filed that year.

By becoming a CASA advocate, you can step into this gap and help. You will not only befriend a child sorely in need of a positive adult role model, but you will help ensure that child can have a safe, happy childhood.

After an initial 30 hours of training, each CASA advocate is sworn in by a judge and observes in family court before receiving their first case. CASA advocates are expected to spend between 6 and 10 hours a month working on their case, and they are required to earn 12 hours of continuing education credits each year.

Each CASA advocate is asked to serve for at least two years, in order to ensure children don’t have to change CASA advocates during their case. The average CASA case lasts 18 months.

If you would like to apply to be a CASA advocate, now is a great time. You can apply online at Once you’ve applied and passed an initial screening and background check, you can sign up for CASA of Lexington’s summer pre-service training. The schedule for the training follows:

July 6 — Initial meeting and getting to know you

July 9 — Overview and intro to foundational coursework

July 16 — The Bleux Case and child development

July 23 — The Greene Case, mental health and poverty

July 30 — The Amarillo Case, substance abuse, domestic violence and intro to the court report

Aug. 6 — The Redd Case, court report writing and recommendations

Aug. 13 — The court process, final wrap-up

CASA of Lexington